
If she had not been cupric in her ions,

Her shape ovoidal,

Their romance might have flourished.

But he built tetrahedral in his shape,

His ions ferric,

Love could not help but die,

Uncatylised, inert, and undernourished.

Fortune Cookie

WHOA!!  Ken and Barbie are having TOO MUCH FUN!!  It must be the


Fortune Cookie

Since [beta] and [alpha] are each proportional to the pressure, the minimum potential is independent of the pressure of the gas. On this view the minimum potential depends upon the metal of which the cathode is made, since k measures the number of corpuscles emitted per unit time by the cathode when struck by positive ions carrying unit energy, and unless [beta] bears the same ratio to [alpha] for all gases the minimum potential will also vary with the gas. The measurements which have been made of the "cathode fall of potential," which as we shall see is equal to the minimum potential required to produce a spark, show that this quantity varies with the material of which the cathode is made and also with the nature of the gas. Since a metal plate, when bombarded by positive ions, emits corpuscles, the effect we have been considering must play a part in the discharge; it is not, however, the only effect which has to be considered, for as Townsend has shown, positive ions when moving above a certain speed ionize the gas, and cause it to emit corpuscles. It is thus necessary to take into account the ionization of the positive ions. Entry: _

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 8 "Conduction, Electric"     1910-1911

H. A. Wilson (_Phil. Mag._ [6], 5, p. 429) used another method. Drops of water, as we have seen, condense more easily on negative than on positive ions. It is possible, therefore, to adjust the expansion so that a cloud is formed on the negative but not on the positive ions. Wilson arranged the experiments so that such a cloud was formed between two horizontal plates which could be maintained at different potentials. The charged drops between the plates were acted upon by a uniform vertical force which affected their rate of fall. Let X be the vertical electric force, e the charge on the drop, v1 the rate of fall of the drop when this force acts, and v the rate of fall due to gravity alone. Then since the rate of fall is proportionate to the force on the drop, if a is the radius of the drop, and [rho] its density, then Entry: H

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 8 "Conduction, Electric"     1910-1911

To explain the appearance of the products of decomposition at the electrodes only, while the intervening solution is unaltered, we suppose that, under the action of the electric forces, the opposite parts of the electrolyte move in opposite directions through the liquid. These opposite parts, named ions by Faraday, must therefore be associated with electric charges, and it is the convective movement of the opposite streams of ions carrying their charges with them that, on this view, constitutes the electric current. Entry: II

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 8 "Conduction, Electric"     1910-1911

The dissociation theory was originally suggested by the osmotic pressure relations. But not only has it explained satisfactorily the electrical properties of solutions, but it seems to be the only known hypothesis which is consistent with the experimental relation between the concentration of a solution and its electrical conductivity (see CONDUCTION, ELECTRIC, § II., "Nature of Electrolytes"). It is probable that the electrical effects constitute the strongest arguments in favour of the theory. It is necessary to point out that the dissociated ions of such a body as potassium chloride are not in the same condition as potassium and chlorine in the free state. The ions are associated with very large electric charges, and, whatever their exact relations with those charges may be, it is certain that the energy of a system in such a state must be different from its energy when unelectrified. It is not unlikely, therefore, that even a compound as stable in the solid form as potassium chloride should be thus dissociated when dissolved. Again, water, the best electrolytic solvent known, is also the body of the highest specific inductive capacity (dielectric constant), and this property, to whatever cause it may be due, will reduce the forces between electric charges in the neighbourhood, and may therefore enable two ions to separate. Entry: 2CH3

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 9, Slice 2 "Ehud" to "Electroscope"     1910-1911

_Discharge from a Point._--A very interesting case of electric discharge is that between a sharply pointed electrode, such as a needle, and a metal surface of considerable area. At atmospheric pressures the luminosity is confined to the immediate neighbourhood of the point. If the sign of the potential of the point does not change, the discharge is carried by ions of one sign--that of the charge on the pointed electrode. The velocity of these ions under a given potential gradient has been measured by Chattock (_Phil. Mag._ 32, p. 285), and found to agree with that of the ions produced by Röntgen or uranium radiation, while Townsend (_Phil. Trans._ 195, p. 259) has shown that the charge on these ions is the same as that on the ions streaming from the point. If the pointed electrode be placed at right angles to a metal plane serving as the other electrode, the discharge takes place when, for a given distance of the point from the plane, the potential difference between the electrodes exceeds a definite value depending upon the pressure and nature of the gas through which the discharge passes; its value also depends upon whether, beginning with a small potential difference, we gradually increase it until discharge commences, or, beginning with a large potential difference, we decrease it until the discharge stops. The value found by the latter method is less than that by the former. According to Chattock's measurements the potential difference V for discharge between the point and the plate is given by the linear relation V = a + bl, where l is the distance of the point from the plate and a and b are constants. From v. Obermayer's (_Wien. Ber._ 100, 2, p. 127) experiments, in which the distance l was greater than in Chattock's, it would seem that the potential for larger distances does not increase quite so rapidly with l as is indicated by Chattock's relation. The potential required to produce this discharge is much less than that required to produce a spark of length l between parallel plates; thus from Chattock's experiments to produce the point discharge when l = .5 cm. in air at atmospheric pressure requires a potential difference of about 3800 volts when the pointed electrode is positive, while to produce a spark at the same distance between plane electrodes would require a potential difference of about 15,000 volts. Chattock showed that with the same pointed electrode the value of the electric intensity at the point was the same whatever the distance of the point from the plane. The value of the electric intensity depended upon the sharpness of the point. When the end of the pointed electrode is a hemisphere of radius a, Chattock showed that for the same gas at the same pressure the electric intensity f when discharge takes place is roughly proportioned to a

-0.8. The value of the electric intensity at the pointed electrode is much greater than its value at a plane electrode for long sparks; but we must remember that at a distance from a pointed electrode equal to a small multiple of the radius of curvature of its extremity the electric intensity falls very far below that required to produce discharge in a uniform field, so that the discharge from a pointed electrode ought to be compared with a spark whose length is comparable with the radius of curvature of the point. For such short sparks the electric intensity is very high. The electric intensity required to produce the discharge from a gas diminishes as the pressure of the gas diminishes, but not nearly so rapidly as the electric intensity for long sparks. Here again the discharge from a point is comparable with short sparks, which, as we have seen, are much less sensitive to pressure changes than longer ones. The minimum potential at which the electricity streams from the point does not depend upon the material of which the point is made; it varies, however, considerably with the nature of the gas. The following are the results of some experiments on this point. Those in the first two columns are due to Röntgen, those in the third and fourth to Precht:-- Entry: _     Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 8 "Conduction, Electric"

In this lies the simple explanation of the "polar" difference between acid and basic solutions. This rests essentially upon the fact that the ion peculiar to acids and the ion peculiar to bases form the two constituents of water, i.e. of that solvent in which we usually study the course of the reaction. The idea of the "strength" of an acid or base at once arises. If we compare equivalent solutions of various acids, the intensity of those actions characteristic of them will be the greater the more free hydrogen-ions they contain; this is an immediate consequence of the law of chemical mass-action. The degree of electrolytic dissociation determines, therefore, the strength of acids, and a similar consideration leads to the same result for bases. Entry: H

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 1 "Châtelet" to "Chicago"     1910-1911

The theory of the phenomena just described has been dealt with by Airy,[27] C. Neumann,[28] Maxwell,[29] Fitzgerald,[30] Rowland,[31] H. A. Lorentz,[32] Voight,[33] Ketteler,[34] van Loghem,[35] Potier,[36] Basset,[37] Goldhammer,[38] Drude,[39] J. J. Thomson,[40] and Leatham;[41] for a critical discussion of many of these theories we refer the reader to Larmor's[42] British Association Report. Most of these theories have proceeded on the plan of adding to the expression for the electromotive force terms indicating a force similar in character to that discovered by Hall (see MAGNETISM) in metallic conductors carrying a current in a magnetic field, i.e. an electromotive force at right angles to the plane containing the magnetic force and the electric current, and proportional to the sine of the angle between these vectors. The introduction of a term of this kind gives rotation of the plane of polarization by transmission through all refracting substance, and by reflection from magnetized metals, and shows a fair agreement between the theoretical and experimental results. The simplest way of treating the questions seems, however, to be to go to the equations which represent the propagation of a wave travelling through a medium containing ions. A moving ion in a magnetic field will be acted upon by a mechanical force which is at right angles to its direction of motion, and also to the magnetic force, and is equal per unit charge to the product of these two vectors and the sine of the angle between them. For the sake of brevity we will take the special case of a wave travelling parallel to the magnetic force in the direction of the axis of z. Entry: MAGNETO

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 17, Slice 4 "Magnetite" to "Malt"     1910-1911

In the case of substances like ammonia and acetic acid, where the dissociation is very small, 1 - [alpha] is nearly equal to unity, and only varies slowly with dilution. The equation then becomes [alpha]²/V = k, or [alpha] = [root](Vk), so that the molecular conductivity is proportional to the square root of the dilution. Ostwald has confirmed the equation by observation on an enormous number of weak acids (_Zeits. physikal. Chemie_, 1888, ii. p. 278; 1889, iii. pp. 170, 241, 369). Thus in the case of cyanacetic acid, while the volume V changed by doubling from 16 to 1024 litres, the values of k were 0.00 (376, 373, 374, 361, 362, 361, 368). The mean values of k for other common acids were--formic, 0.0000214; acetic, 0.0000180; monochloracetic, 0.00155; dichloracetic, 0.051; trichloracetic, 1.21; propionic, 0.0000134. From these numbers we can, by help of the equation, calculate the conductivity of the acids for any dilution. The value of k, however, does not keep constant so satisfactorily in the case of highly dissociated substances, and empirical formulae have been constructed to represent the effect of dilution on them. Thus the values of the expressions [alpha]²/(1 - [alpha][root]V) (Rudolphi, _Zeits. physikal. Chemie_, 1895, vol. xvii. p. 385) and [alpha]³/(1 - [alpha])²V (van 't Hoff, ibid., 1895, vol. xviii. p. 300) are found to keep constant as V changes. Van 't Hoff's formula is equivalent to taking the frequency of dissociation as proportional to the square of the concentration of the molecules, and the frequency of recombination as proportional to the cube of the concentration of the ions. An explanation of the failure of the usual dilution law in these cases may be given if we remember that, while the electric forces between bodies like undissociated molecules, each associated with equal and opposite charges, will vary inversely as the fourth power of the distance, the forces between dissociated ions, each carrying one charge only, will be inversely proportional to the square of the distance. The forces between the ions of a strongly dissociated solution will thus be considerable at a dilution which makes forces between undissociated molecules quite insensible, and at the concentrations necessary to test Ostwald's formula an electrolyte will be far from dilute in the thermodynamic sense of the term, which implies no appreciable intermolecular or interionic forces. Entry: 2CH3

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 9, Slice 2 "Ehud" to "Electroscope"     1910-1911

_Methods of counting the Number of Ions._--The detection of the ions and the estimation of their number in a given volume is much facilitated by the property they possess of promoting the condensation of water-drops in dust-free air supersaturated with water vapour. If such air contains no ions, then it requires about an eightfold supersaturation before any water-drops are formed; if, however, ions are present C. T. R. Wilson (_Phil. Trans._ 189, p. 265) has shown that a sixfold supersaturation is sufficient to cause the water vapour to condense round the ions and to fall down as raindrops. The absence of the drops when no ions are present is due to the curvature of the drop combined with the surface tension causing, as Lord Kelvin showed, the evaporation from a small drop to be exceeding rapid, so that even if a drop of water were formed the evaporation would be so great in its early stages that it would rapidly evaporate and disappear. It has been shown, however (J. J. Thomson, _Application of Dynamics to Physics and Chemistry_, p. 164; _Conduction of Electricity through Gases_, 2nd ed. p. 179), that if a drop of water is charged with electricity the effect of the charge is to diminish the evaporation; if the drop is below a certain size the effect the charge has in promoting condensation more than counterbalances the effect of the surface tension in promoting evaporation. Thus the electric charge protects the drop in the most critical period of its growth. The effect is easily shown experimentally by taking a bulb connected with a piston arranged so as to move with great rapidity. When the piston moves so as to increase the volume of the air contained in the bulb the air is cooled by expansion, and if it was saturated with water vapour before it is supersaturated after the expansion. By altering the throw of the piston the amount of supersaturation can be adjusted within very wide limits. Let it be adjusted so that the expansion produces about a sixfold supersaturation; then if the gas is not exposed to any ionizing agents very few drops (and these probably due to the small amount of ionization which we have seen is always present in gases) are formed. If, however, the bulb is exposed to strong Röntgen rays expansion produces a dense cloud which gradually falls down and disappears. If the gas in the bulb at the time of its exposure to the Röntgen rays is subject to a strong electric field hardly any cloud is formed when the gas is suddenly expanded. The electric field removes the charged ions from the gas as soon as they are formed so that the number of ions present is greatly reduced. This experiment furnishes a very direct proof that the drops of water which form the cloud are only formed round the ions. Entry: V

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 8 "Conduction, Electric"     1910-1911

Another method which has been employed by Rutherford and McClelland is based on the action of an electric field in destroying the conductivity of gas streaming through it. Suppose that BAB, DCD (fig. 9) are a system of parallel plates boxed in so that a stream of gas, after flowing between BB, passes between DD without any loss of gas in the interval. Suppose the plates DD are insulated, and connected with one pair of quadrants of an electrometer, by charging up C to a sufficiently high potential we can drive all the positive ions which enter the system DCD against the plates D; this will cause a deflexion of the electrometer, which in one second will be proportional to the number of positive ions which have entered the system in that time. If we charge A up to a high potential, B being put to earth, we shall find that the deflexion of the electrometer connected with DD is less than it was when A and B were at the same potential, because some of the positive ions in their passage through BAB are driven against the plates B. If u is the velocity along the lines of force in the uniform electric field between A and B, and t the time it takes for the gas to pass through BAB, then all the positive ions within a distance ut of the plates B will be driven up against these plates, and thus if the positive ions are equally distributed through the gas, the number of positive ions which emerge from the system when the electric field is on will bear to the number which emerge when the field is off the ratio of 1 - ut/l to unity, where l is the distance between A and B. This ratio is equal to the ratio of the deflexions in one second of the electrometer attached to D, hence the observations of this instrument give 1 - ut/l. If we know the velocity of the gas and the length of the plates A and B, we can determine t, and since l can be easily measured, we can find u, the velocity of the positive ion in a field of given strength. By charging A and C negatively instead of positively we can arrive at the velocity of the negative ion. In practice it is more convenient to use cylindrical tubes with coaxial wires instead of the systems of parallel plates, though in this case the calculation of the velocity of the ions from the observations is a little more complicated, inasmuch as the electric field is not uniform between the tubes. Entry: 1

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 8 "Conduction, Electric"     1910-1911

ATMOSPHERIC ELECTRICITY. 1. It was not until the middle of the 18th century that experiments due to Benjamin Franklin showed that the electric phenomena of the atmosphere are not fundamentally different from those produced in the laboratory. For the next century the rate of progress was slow, though the ideas of Volta in Italy and the instrumental devices of Sir Francis Ronalds in England merit recognition. The invention of the portable electrometer and the water-dropping electrograph by Lord Kelvin in the middle of the 19th century, and the greater definiteness thus introduced into observational results, were notable events. Towards the end of the 19th century came the discovery made by W. Linss (6)[1] and by J. Elster and H. Geitel (7) that even the most perfectly insulated conductors lose their charge, and that this loss depends on atmospheric conditions. Hard on this came the recognition of the fact that freely charged positive and negative ions are always present in the atmosphere, and that a radioactive emanation can be collected. Whilst no small amount of observational work has been done in these new branches of atmospheric electricity, the science has still not developed to a considerable extent beyond preliminary stages. Observations have usually been limited to a portion of the year, or to a few hours of the day, whilst the results from different stations differ much in details. It is thus difficult to form a judgment as to what has most claim to acceptance as the general law, and what may be regarded as local or exceptional. Entry: ATMOSPHERIC

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Slice 8 "Atherstone" to "Austria"     1910-1911

_Transmission of Cathode Rays through Solids--Lenard Rays._--It was for a long time believed that all solids were absolutely opaque to these rays, as Crookes and Goldstein had proved that very thin glass, and even a film of collodion, cast intensely black shadows. Hertz (_Wied. Ann._ 45, p. 28), however, showed that behind a piece of gold-leaf or aluminium foil an appreciable amount of phosphorescence occurred on the glass, and that the phosphorescence moved when a magnet was brought near. A most important advance was next made by Lenard (_Wied. Ann._ 51, p. 225), who got the cathode rays to pass from the inside of a discharge tube to the air outside. For this purpose he used a tube like that shown in fig. 25. The cathode K is an aluminium disc 1.2 cm. in diameter fastened to a stiff wire, which is surrounded by a glass tube. The anode A is a brass strip partly surrounding the cathode. The end of the tube in front of the cathode is closed by a strong metal cap, fastened in with marine glue, in the middle of which a hole 1.7 mm. in diameter is bored, and covered with a piece of very thin aluminium foil about .0026 mm. in thickness. The aluminium window is in metallic contact with the cap, and this and the anode are connected with the earth. The tube is then exhausted until the cathode rays strike against the window. Diffuse light spreads from the window into the air outside the tube, and can be traced in a dark room for a distance of several centimetres. From the window, too, proceed rays which, like the cathode rays, can produce phosphorescence, for certain bodies phosphoresce when placed in the neighbourhood of the window. This effect is conveniently observed by the platino-cryanide screens used to detect Röntgen radiation. The properties of the rays outside the tube resemble in all respects those of cathode rays; they are deflected by a magnet and by an electric field, they ionize the gas through which they pass and make it a conductor of electricity, and they affect a photographic plate and change the colour of the haloid salts of the alkali metals. As, however, it is convenient to distinguish between cathode rays outside and inside the tube, we shall call the former Lenard rays. In air at atmospheric pressure the Lenard rays spread out very diffusely. If the aluminium window, instead of opening into the air, opens into another tube which can be exhausted, it is found that the lower the pressure of the gas in this tube the farther the rays travel and the less diffuse they are. By filling the tube with different gases Lenard showed that the greater the density of the gas the greater is the absorption of these rays. Thus they travel farther in hydrogen than in any other gas at the same pressure. Lenard showed, too, that if he adjusted the pressure so that the density of the gas in this tube was the same--if, for example, the pressure when the tube was filled with oxygen was 1/16 of the pressure when it was filled with hydrogen--the absorption was constant whatever the nature of the gas. Becker (_Ann. der Phys._ 17, p. 381) has shown that this law is only approximately true, the absorption by hydrogen being abnormally large, and by the inert monatomic gases, such as helium and argon, abnormally small. The distance to which the Lenard rays penetrate into this tube depends upon the pressure in the discharge tube; if the exhaustion in the latter is very high, so that there is a large potential difference between the cathode and the anode, and therefore a high velocity for the cathode rays, the Lenard rays will penetrate farther than when the pressure in the discharge tube is higher and the velocity of the cathode rays smaller. Lenard showed that the greater the penetrating power of his rays the smaller was their magnetic deflection, and therefore the greater their velocity; thus the greater the velocity of the cathode rays the greater is the velocity of the Lenard rays to which they give rise. For very slow cathode rays the absorption by different gases departs altogether from the density law, so much so that the absorption of these rays by hydrogen is greater than that by air (Lenard, _Ann. der Phys._ 12, p. 732). Lenard (_Wied. Ann._ 56, p. 255) studied the passage of his rays through solids as well as through gases, and arrived at the very interesting result that the absorption of a substance depends only upon its density, and not upon its chemical composition or physical state; in other words, the amount of absorption of the rays when they traverse a given distance depends only on the quantity of matter they cut through in the distance. McClelland (_Proc. Roy. Soc._ 61, p. 227) showed that the rays carry a charge of negative electricity, and M'Lennan measured the amount of ionization rays of given intensity produced in different gases, finding that if the pressure is adjusted so that the density of the different gases is the same the number of ions per cubic centimetre is also the same. In this case, as Lenard has shown, the absorption is the same, so that with the Lenard rays, as with uranium and probably with Röntgen rays, equal absorption corresponds to equal ionization. A convenient method for producing Lenard rays of great intensity has been described by Des Coudres (_Wied. Ann._ 62, p. 134). Entry: _

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 6, Slice 8 "Conduction, Electric"     1910-1911

where [lambda] is the wave length. This is equivalent to (2) if µ is given by (1). He has shown that this expression is in good agreement with experiment. The sign of r depends on the sign of e, hence the rotation due to negative ions would be opposite to that for positive. For the great majority of substances the direction of rotation is that corresponding to the negation ion. We see from the equations that the rotation is very large for such a value of p as makes P = 0: this value corresponds to a free period of the ions, so that the rotation ought to be very large in the neighbourhood of an absorption band. This has been verified for sodium vapour by Macaluso and Corbino.[43] Entry: 1

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 17, Slice 4 "Magnetite" to "Malt"     1910-1911

ELECTROPLATING, the art of depositing metals by the electric current. In the article ELECTROLYSIS it is shown how the passage of an electric current through a solution containing metallic ions involves the deposition of the metal on the cathode. Sometimes the metal is deposited in a pulverulent form, at others as a firm tenacious film, the nature of the deposit being dependent upon the particular metal, the concentration of the solution, the difference of potential between the electrodes, and other experimental conditions. As the durability of the electro-deposited coat on plated wares of all kinds is of the utmost importance, the greatest care must be taken to ensure its complete adhesion. This can only be effected if the surface of the metal on which the deposit is to be made is chemically clean. Grease must be removed by potash, whiting or other means, and tarnish by an acid or potassium cyanide, washing in plenty of water being resorted to after each operation. The vats for depositing may be of enamelled iron, slate, glazed earthenware, glass, lead-lined wood, &c. The current densities and potential differences frequently used for some of the commoner metals are given in the following table, taken from M'Millan's _Treatise on Electrometallurgy_. It must be remembered, however, that variations in conditions modify the electromotive force required for any given process. For example, a rise in temperature of the bath causes an increase in its conductivity, so that a lower E.M.F. will suffice to give the required current density; on the other hand, an abnormally great distance between the electrodes, or a diminution in acidity of an acid bath, or in the strength of the solution used, will increase the resistance, and so require the application of a higher E.M.F. Entry: ELECTROPLATING

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 9, Slice 2 "Ehud" to "Electroscope"     1910-1911
