
The beer-cooled computer does not harm the ozone layer.

John M. Ford, a.k.a. Dr. Mike

The beer-cooled computer does not harm the ozone layer.

        -- John M. Ford, a.k.a. Dr. Mike

    [If I can read my notes from the Ask Dr. Mike session at Baycon, I

     believe he added that the beer-cooled computer uses "Forget Only

     Memory".  Ed.]

Fortune Cookie

CARBOLIC ACID or PHENOL (hydroxy-benzene), C6H5OH, an acid found in the urine of the herbivorae, and in small quantity in _castoreum_ (F. Wöhler, _Ann._, 1848, 67, p. 360). Its principal commercial source is the fraction of coal-tar which distils between 150 and 200° C., in which it was discovered in 1834 by F. Runge. In order to obtain the phenol from this distillate, it is treated with caustic soda, which dissolves the phenol and its homologues together with a certain quantity of naphthalene and other hydrocarbons. The solution is diluted with water, and the hydrocarbons are thereby precipitated and separated. The solution is then acidified, and the phenols are liberated and form an oily layer on the surface of the acid. This layer is separated, and the phenol recovered by a process of fractional distillation. It may be synthetically prepared by fusing potassium benzene sulphonate with caustic alkalis (A. Kekulé, A. Wurtz); by the action of nitrous acid on aniline; by passing oxygen into boiling benzene containing aluminium chloride (C. Friedel and J.M. Crafts, _Ann. Chim. Phys._, 1888 (6) 14, p. 435); by heating phenol carboxylic acids with baryta; and, in small quantities by the oxidation of benzene with hydrogen peroxide or nascent ozone (A.R. Leeds, _Ber._, 1881, 14, p. 976). Entry: CARBOLIC

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 5, Slice 3 "Capefigue" to "Carneades"     1910-1911
