
The Muslim Anarchist Charter rejects absolutely: all forms of violence and political coercion; all forms of racism and prejudice, including Islamophobia, homophobia and neurelitism.

Yakoub Islam

Moreover, in removing race and racism from the discussion altogether, we’re paving the way for us as one race to call racism what it actually is: sin borne in a heart of pride and prejudice.

David Platt

    Graduating seniors, parents and friends...

    Let me begin by reassuring you that my remarks today will stand up

to the most stringent requirements of the new appropriateness.

    The intra-college sensitivity advisory committee has vetted the

text of even trace amounts of subconscious racism, sexism and classism.

    Moreover, a faculty panel of deconstructionists have reconfigured

the rhetorical components within a post-structuralist framework, so as to

expunge any offensive elements of western rationalism and linear logic.

    Finally, all references flowing from a white, male, eurocentric

perspective have been eliminated, as have any other ruminations deemed

denigrating to the political consensus of the moment.

    Thank you and good luck.

        -- Doonesbury, the University Chancellor's graduation speech.

Fortune Cookie

Dear Emily:

    I'm having a serious disagreement with somebody on the net. I

tried complaints to his sysadmin, organizing mail campaigns, called for

his removal from the net and phoning his employer to get him fired.

Everybody laughed at me.  What can I do?

        -- A Concerned Citizen

Dear Concerned:

    Go to the daily papers.  Most modern reporters are top-notch computer

experts who will understand the net, and your problems, perfectly.  They

will print careful, reasoned stories without any errors at all, and surely

represent the situation properly to the public.  The public will also all

act wisely, as they are also fully cognizant of the subtle nature of net


    Papers never sensationalize or distort, so be sure to point out things

like racism and sexism wherever they might exist.  Be sure as well that they

understand that all things on the net, particularly insults, are meant

literally.  Link what transpires on the net to the causes of the Holocaust, if

possible.  If regular papers won't take the story, go to a tabloid paper --

they are always interested in good stories.

    By arranging all this free publicity for the net, you'll become very

well known.  People on the net will wait in eager anticipation for your every

posting, and refer to you constantly.  You'll get more mail than you ever

dreamed possible -- the ultimate in net success.

        -- Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette

Fortune Cookie

And the French medical anatomist Etienne Serres really did argue that

black males are primitive because the distance between their navel and

penis remains small (relative to body height) throughout life, while

white children begin with a small separation but increase it during

growth -- the rising belly button as a mark of progress.

        -- S. J. Gould, "Racism and Recapitulation"

Fortune Cookie
