Aristotle quotes on great
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Aristotle quotes on great

But these are not quantitative, but relative; things are not great or small absolutely, they are so called rather as the result of an act of comparison
Source: Aristotle, The Categories

Surely then, even with reference to actual

life and conduct, the knowledge of it must have great weight; and like archers, with a mark in view, we shall be more likely to hit upon what is right: and if so, we ought to try to describe, in outline at least, what it is and of which of the sciences and faculties it is the End
Source: Aristotle, Ethics

There remains, then, the intermediate kind of personage, a man not pre-eminently virtuous and just, whose misfortune, however, is brought upon him not by vice and depravity but by some error of judgement, of the number of those in the enjoyment of great reputation and prosperity; e.g
Source: Aristotle, Poetics

CHAPTER VI But it is not difficult to perceive that those who maintain the contrary opinion have some reason on their side; for a man may become a slave two different ways; for he may be so by law also, and this law is a certain compact, by which whatsoever is taken in battle is adjudged to be the property of the conquerors: but many persons who are conversant in law call in question this pretended right, and say that it would be hard that a man should be compelled by violence to be the slave and subject of another who had the power to compel him, and was his superior in strength; and upon this subject, even of those who are wise, some think one way and some another; but the cause of this doubt and variety of opinions arises from hence, that great abilities, when accompanied with proper means, are generally able to succeed by force: for victory is always owing to a superiority in some advantageous circumstances; so that it seems that force never prevails but in consequence of great abilities
Source: Aristotle, Poetics

So it is only at a comparatively late date that the office of Archon has become of great importance, through the dignity conferred by these later additions
Source: Aristotle, The Athenian Constitution

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Source: Project Gutenberg texts

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