Plato quotes on evil men
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Plato quotes on evil men

Then the good speak evil of evil things, if they speak of them as they are? Yes, indeed, he said; and they speak evil of evil men
Source: Plato, Euthydemus

He does not consider that the real punishment of evil-doing is to grow

like evil men, and to shun the conversation of the good: and that he who is joined to such men must do and suffer what they by nature do and say to one another, which suffering is not justice but retribution
Source: Plato, Laws

But, if he agree so far, we may ask him to answer another question: 'Then how would a man profit if he received gold and silver on the condition that he was to enslave the noblest part of him to the worst? Who can imagine that a man who sold his son or daughter into slavery for money, especially if he sold them into the hands of fierce and evil men, would be the gainer, however large might be the sum which he received? And will any one say that he is not a miserable caitiff who remorselessly sells his own divine being to that which is most godless and detestable? Eriphyle took the necklace as the price of her husband's life, but he is taking a bribe in order to compass a worse ruin.' Yes, said Glaucon, far worse--I will answer for him
Source: Plato, The Republic

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Source: Project Gutenburg Texts

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